Documenting My Journey With
Shopify Intrapreneurship Entrepreneurship
Sharing my journey of building my first Shopify store that had an initial investment of £1,000 and hit £100,000 in revenue in the first year. I want to share lessons learnt along the way, how I built the store, the principles I applied and how you can replicate the formula to do the same. I will also be sharing my favourite apps and mistakes I have made as I continue to grow the store to £1,000,000 in revenue.
I want to help people that are looking to grow professionally. That are looking to get promoted and to become intrapreneurs in the companies that they work at. I have now worked at several companies where I have progressed and I want to help you do the same if that is the path you are on. It’s not about how you get the pay rise, that will come, it is about how you can add more value than you are given.
Since I was 8 years old I knew I wanted to own my business. This has been a dream of mine that I have tried many times to achieve and each time failed in some way. A long the way I have learned what I did wrong so that next time I can do it better. I am documenting that journey of entrepreneurship. The failures and the successes so that you don’t have to go on that lonely journey alone.

Books are the oldest tool to help us level the playing field. Today if time is an issue you have services like Audible to listen to books as you walk the dog or exercise. It has never been easier to level up. The compound effect is amazing.
I start every day getting ready with my iPad and a YouTube channel. This means each day before I have left the house I am mentally stimulated and I have learned something new before I arrive at the office.
When leveling up today, some content is only available in podcast format, this is perfect for the commute to work. This also brings balance and new perspectives to the books I read and the YouTube channels I watch.