Yeison Ospina

We spend a lot of time in our lives looking for and discovering our passions. Once we discover what our passions are it helps make some important decisions. An important decision you need to make every single day is what to spend your time on.
After having worked in many industries, countries and with a diverse group of people I am in fortunate position to say I have discovered my passions and everything I do every day is focused on either, one, two or all three. This means I no longer feel like I am working, and it means I get a real sense of fulfilment in what I do each and every day. Let me share what each means to me.
This is a broad subject and with it comes a large variety of options that can be done. Since I was a child I was obsessed with technology, and for me at that young age that meant working all day on a Mac. I have since further developed tech focused skills such as content creation for YouTube, building stores on Shopify, an expertise in Google Advertising and other paid media channels. I even launched a digital marketing agency in Colombia whilst I lived there that was fully tech and included developing software, but that is a story for another post.
For me business is something that can level the playing field for all of us. It means that we can take full control over our destiny and build something that can bring immense value not just to your life but that of other peoples too. This passion for business is both as an entrepreneur and in intrapreneur. This passion is a large reason why I decided to create this site. I have progressed so much but internally in business and externally with businesses I have started. Both right now are going great and have seen a lot of growth so this will be a space to help the development of either and give some value back to society.
Helping People
There are very few things in life that give me a greater natural high than helping people. This could be either helping clients execute on their visions, helping my team in their development and execution of their picture of success, helping my leader in a work environment in achieving their goals, or a business owner helping customers that want to gift something special to someone they love.
I have been known to offer my time, knowledge and support for free, because to me the biggest reward is in helping people. Eventually I want to measure just how many people I have helped so I can set some Big Hairy Audacious Goals around helping others.

At the age of 8 he emigrated to England and spent the next 15 years being educated in England, growing up in the midlands and attending a University in Birmingham.
Yeison studied culinary arts and then moved to marketing as a result of getting a job in his dream company, Apple. He work in Apple Retail during the launch of the iPhone, iPad and during the period where Apple became truly a household name.
When Steve Jobs passed away on October 5th of 2011 Yeison made a decision to listen to his heart and go back to Colombia. He wanted to understand what it meant to be Colombian and get to to know the country he was born in and where his family came from.
Originally the plan was to go back for 6 months and travel the country. Those 6 months turned to 8 years. In the 8 years there he got a job working for the biggest English Language company in the world. Their he started as Service Manager managing the academic side of one of the English language centers. During his 5-year tenure he was promoted to the role of Center Director, National Service Support, and Digital Director. The other 3 years in Colombia he followed his heart for his second dream which was to start a business. He founded and ran a digital marketing company that employed 11 people called OF Digital. They were three years of learning how to create a business, find clients and develop a brand.
On November of 2019 he returned to the UK. He worked a family owned business based in Liverpool and then joined a Founder of a supplements brand. In April 2021 he joined one of the biggest SME focused digital marketing agencies in Greater Manchester as Senior E-commerce Account Manager. During that time he re-discovered his confidence and passion with the support of an incredible leader, and decided to try again and this time build a brand whilst working full time. In September 1st of 2021 was launched.
Today Yeison has continued to progress professionally and leads the Lead Generation PPC department during the day and at night continues his journey on building a brand, and developing other projects that allow him to fulfils his passions fuelling a continuous growth that allows him to meet his goal of adding more value to others than he receives.
About Yeison Ospina
Yeison (pronounced the same as Jason) Ospina was born in Barranquilla, Colombia to a Colombian teenage single mother during the height of Pablo Escobars grip in the country.
At the age of 8 he emigrated to England and spent the next 15 years being educated in England, growing up in the midlands and attending a University in Birmingham.
Yeison studied culinary arts and then moved to marketing as a result of getting a job in his dream company, Apple. He work in Apple Retail during the launch of the iPhone, iPad and during the period where Apple became truly a household name.
When Steve Jobs passed away on October 5th of 2011 Yeison made a decision to listen to his heart and go back to Colombia. He wanted to understand what it meant to be Colombian and get to to know the country he was born in and where his family came from.
Originally the plan was to go back for 6 months and travel the country. Those 6 months turned to 8 years. In the 8 years there he got a job working for the biggest English Language company in the world. Their he started as Service Manager managing the academic side of one of the English language centers. During his 5-year tenure he was promoted to the role of Center Director, National Service Support, and Digital Director. The other 3 years in Colombia he followed his heart for his second dream which was to start a business. He founded and ran a digital marketing company that employed 11 people called OF Digital. They were three years of learning how to create a business, find clients and develop a brand.
On November of 2019 he returned to the UK. He worked a family owned business based in Liverpool and then joined a Founder of a supplements brand. In April 2021 he joined one of the biggest SME focused digital marketing agencies in Greater Manchester as Senior E-commerce Account Manager. During that time he re-discovered his confidence and passion with the support of an incredible leader, and decided to try again and this time build a brand whilst working full time. In September 1st of 2021 was launched.
Today Yeison has continued to progress professionally and leads the Lead Generation PPC Department during the day. At night he continues his journey on building a brand, and developing other projects that allow him to fulfil his passions fuelling a continuous growth that allows him to meet his goal of adding more value to others than he receives.