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What is Intrapreneurship?

Intrapreneurship, a vital concept for contemporary organizations, empowers employees to take on an entrepreneurial role within the company’s boundaries. It encourages them to identify opportunities, innovate, and take calculated risks. As a result, intrapreneurs act as catalysts for change and growth within a company. While intrapreneurship and entrepreneurship share a passion for innovation and problem-solving, understanding their differences is key to utilizing this knowledge for your organization’s growth.

Entrepreneurs create businesses from scratch, taking on high levels of risk and uncertainty. Intrapreneurs, on the other hand, innovate within an organization, leveraging its resources and stability while minimizing risks. Entrepreneurs enjoy the full rewards of success but also bear the full consequences of failure. Intrapreneurs, however, share their successes with the organization and benefit from the organization cushioning their failures.

How to Identify an Intrapreneur

For modern businesses, intrapreneurship is a powerful driver of growth. Identifying potential intrapreneurs is the first step in creating an intrapreneurial environment. Hence, look for employees who are eager to learn, question company procedures, suggest new ideas, take initiative, and excel in leadership roles. While these characteristics are common among all intrapreneurs, there are three general types you may encounter:

Creators: Always seeking more efficient ways to complete tasks, creators suggest new solutions to existing problems and take the initiative to support the company’s growth.

Doers: Task-oriented and dedicated, doers bring ideas to fruition, turning them into tangible results within the organization.

Implementers: Goal-oriented and productive, implementers thrive under pressure and are typically responsible for innovative ideas within a company.

Benefits of Intrapreneurship for an Organization

In today’s ever-evolving business landscape, staying relevant is challenging. Intrapreneurship offers a compelling solution, fostering innovative plans, efficient systems, and better products/services to support continuous business growth. Intrapreneurs intimately understand how your organization operates, making them ideal problem-solvers. In effect, allowing intrapreneurs to take on more responsibilities and act on their ideas is the key to creating strategic innovations.

Facilitating an intrapreneurial culture is in your company’s best interest. It promotes creativity, innovation, and idea sharing when employees know their input is valued. Google’s “20% time” initiative is a prime example, giving engineers a workday to focus on their passion projects, resulting in products like AdSense, Gmail, Google Maps, and more.

Intrapreneurial culture should be a top priority for any business owner looking for success. So it helps employees thrive within your business, turning it into a testing ground for intrapreneurs and driving industry success.

However, it’s important to note that intrapreneurship is just one step toward entrepreneurship. Intrapreneurs enhance business processes, products, and services within the safety of your company, avoiding the risks that entrepreneurs face. Some intrapreneurs may eventually use their experience to start their businesses.

How to Implement Intrapreneurship

Implementing intrapreneurship in your organization is a strategic move that can drive innovation and foster a culture of creativity and growth. To facilitate the process effectively, consider the following steps:

Leadership Buy-In: Commence with securing support and commitment from your leadership team. Make sure that your management team comprehends the value of intrapreneurship and is willing to invest the necessary time and resources. Without top-down support, effecting a cultural shift towards intrapreneurship can be challenging.

Educate and Train: Provide comprehensive training and resources to help your employees develop the skills essential for intrapreneurship. This training can encompass problem-solving, innovation, project management, and risk assessment. Encourage continuous learning and skill development to ensure your workforce is well-equipped.

Foster a Culture of Innovation: Create an environment that encourages idea generation and experimentation. Altogether, encourage employees to share their thoughts and provide platforms for open communication while Ensuring that employees are aware of the value of their input and that they have the freedom to explore new concepts.

Allocate Resources: Dedicate both time and financial resources specifically for intrapreneurial projects. This might involve allocating a portion of an employee’s work time to focus on their intrapreneurial ideas. For example Google’s “20% time” initiative. Provide the necessary tools and budget for these projects to thrive.

Feedback and Recognition

Implement mechanisms for feedback to assess the progress of intrapreneurial projects. Recognize and reward successful intrapreneurs within your organization. This recognition can come in the form of promotions, bonuses, or special recognition programs.

Provide Autonomy: Empower your employees to take ownership of their projects. Avoid micromanagement and allow them the freedom to make decisions and innovate. This autonomy often leads to more creative solutions and outcomes.

Measure and Adapt: Set clear goals and key performance indicators (KPIs) for intrapreneurial initiatives. Regularly assess the results and make adjustments as needed. This continuous improvement cycle ensures that intrapreneurship remains a dynamic and evolving process within your organization.

Create Cross-Functional Teams: Encourage employees from different departments to collaborate on intrapreneurial projects. Cross-functional teams bring diverse perspectives and skill sets to the table, enhancing the chances of success.

Protect Intellectual Property: Address concerns about intellectual property and ownership of ideas early on. Ensure that both the organization and intrapreneurs have a clear understanding of the rights and responsibilities related to new innovations.

Fail Forward: Accept that not all intrapreneurial projects will succeed. Intrapreneurship involves calculated risks, and failure is part of the learning process. Encourage employees to learn from their failures and apply those lessons to future endeavours.

In essence, implementing intrapreneurship is a journey that requires commitment, adaptability, and a willingness to embrace change. By fostering a culture of intrapreneurship, you can harness the creativity and innovative potential of your employees, driving your organization towards continuous growth and success in the ever-evolving business landscape.

Bottom line

In conclusion, intrapreneurs, often overshadowed in favour of entrepreneurs, represent a dynamic force within established companies. They embody a unique blend of innovation and enterprise, driven by a vision to transform ideas into reality. As you nurture an intrapreneurial culture within your organization, you not only unlock your employees’ untapped potential but also pave the way for transformative success.

Moreover, intrapreneurs have the freedom to pursue their projects, supported by the resources and stability of a well-funded organization. This harmonious combination grants them the latitude to pursue ambitious goals that might not be attainable within the confines of a smaller, independent startup.

In your journey to establish and cultivate an intrapreneurial environment, you are on the path to harnessing the full scope of your employees’ creative and innovative potential. This, in turn, propels your organization toward perpetual growth and prosperity in an ever-evolving business landscape. Additionally, with intrapreneurship as your guiding light, the possibilities are boundless, and your company stands poised for a future filled with groundbreaking innovations and unparalleled success.



What Is Intrapreneurship, and How Can You Cultivate It at Your Company …, Accessed 28 Oct. 2023.

Team, The Investopedia. “What Are Intrapreneurs? History, Role, and Benefits for a Company.” Investopedia, Investopedia, Accessed 28 Oct. 2023.

Kenton, Will. “Intrapreneurship: Definition, Duties, and Responsibilities.” Investopedia, Investopedia,,an%20innovative%20product%20or%20service. Accessed 28 Oct. 2023.

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